Surprise your students and take them on a spree to some British Public Houses. Do they know how to behave there? What to say? Are they keen on learning interesting facts about those undoubtedly remarkable places? Enjoy our new quiz and… bottoms up!
I’ve just gathered a few of my Christmas activities in one place for you to enjoy during your last lessons before or first lessons after Christmas. All of them can be found on wordwall. Short, quick, can be used as warm-ups, energizers or fillers. Suitable for teens and adults on different levels.
Students have to put the words and expressions into 4 different categories: Christmas decorations, traditions, food and winter time.
Students have to match the pictures to Christmas expressions.
Students have to choose the correct answer. It’s a typical vocabulary game.
This time we deal with grammar, and to be more precise with phrasal verbs. Definitely for more advanced students.
And the last exercise is devoted entirely to speaking. Could be used as a typical work in pairs or speed dating activity.
I hope you will find those activities useful, still this year or maybe in the future. I’d like to wish you all the best. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
My E8 students are kind of fed up with grammar and vocabulary revision. No wonder, it’s already mid-June. So I’ve decided to devote the last lesson to speaking mainly. All conversation questions go with the exam topics. Some of them are really challenging but I’m sure our students will manage. If you still want your students to revise vocabulary or grammar while practicing oral skills, you may always ask them to prepare a word cloud to a particular question or use a certain grammar structure while giving opinions.
This is a vocabulary revision game for E8 and other intermediate students. Let your students try their hand in the 'Secret word’ alphabet game. The game is obviously just a starting point. After playing the game I suggest one or two of the following follow-up tasks:
Give your students 2-3 minutes. They must add one more word to as many letters as possible.
Choose one letter. Give your students 2-3 minutes. They must write down as many words as possible beginning with this letter.
Ask your students to give the definitions of the words which were not the correct answers in the game.
Some of the words which were not the correct answers actually are fake words, they do not exist. Ask your students to identify them and then to give them meaning and write definitions.
Ask your students to make stories in pairs or small groups in which they’d use the 'fake words’ in the 'new meaning’. It will be the other group’s task to deduce the meaning of the fake words from the context.
Give your students one exam topic, for example, School, Social Life or Sport and 2-3 minutes to write as many words beginning with a chosen letter as possible.
Give your students one exam topic, for example, Work, Food or Culture and 2-3 minutes to write as many words each beginning with a different letter as possible.
Give your students a few exam topics, for example, Health, Nature, House, Man, Shopping, Crime and Science. Choose one letter. Let the students write one word in each category beginning with this letter.