Grammar rocks

Future Tenses

This is a presentation on the revision of the following tenses: Future Simple, Future Intention and both Present Simple and Present Continuous in reference to the future. It is in the form of Mind Maps to be completed by your students. The students have to think about the usage, structure and characteristic words of each tense. Then there is some speaking practice.

This is the third part of the series. The first part is entitled Present Tenses, and the second one is called Past Tenses. You can find both parts in my shop. Hope you’ll like the whole pack.


Grammar rocks

Past Tenses

This is a presentation on the revision of the following Past Tenses: Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect. It’s in the form of Mind Maps to be completed by your students. The students have to think about the usage, structure and characteristic words of each tense. Then there is some speaking practice after each tense.

This is the second part of the series. The first part is entitled Present Tenses and it’s already on my blog. The last part on Future Tenses is about to be published soon. Hope you’ll like the whole pack.


Grammar rocks

Present Tenses

This is a presentation on the revision of the following Present Tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect. It’s in the form of Mind Maps to be completed by your students. The students have to think about the usage, structure and characteristic words of each tense. Then there is some speaking practice after each tense.

I hope you will like it cause I’m preparing (with my students) the next parts on Past and Future tenses. Let me know in the comments if you would like me to share the other parts with you too.


Grab it, teach it - ready lessons Grammar rocks

Present Simple – jobs, routines and time

This time I’ve created a lesson for lower levels. Although its main aim is to use Present Simple in statements, questions, and negations, it focuses mainly on speaking to make learning grammar more meaningful. Your students will talk about different jobs as well as describe other people’s and their own daily routines. They will also practice telling the time. The lesson is quite simple so it can be easily adjusted to your needs.


Grammar rocks

Mixed tenses and irregular verbs

Mixing may lead to outstanding results. Have a look at my newest short presentation on mixed tenses for lower levels. Good for the revision of the main English tenses and irregular verbs, especially for students preparing for different exams. The last part includes speaking practice and thus is more creative.
