Egzamin Ósmoklasisty Grammar rocks

Plural nouns

Plural nouns seem to be quite easy. You just form them by adding an -s or -es ending to the singular forms. But in English if there is a rule, then you may be 100% sure that there are also exceptions to it. In this handout we deal only with the easier ones. Believe me, plural nouns can be a pain in the neck. However, the real challenge begins at higher levels. Right now, it’s just a little warm-up.


Grammar rocks

Present Simple

This is a game on Present Simple. You can play it on your own or challenge your friends, siblings or parents. Have fun and check who the real Present Simple champion in your family or in your class is.


This and that

Language functions

The last exercise for all 8th Graders this school year before the finals. This time you can practice language functions. All the best luck to all of you on Wednesday. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Grammar rocks

Simple Past – simple and easy

If you want to revise Simple Past tense and irregular verbs, this post is just for you. A couple of exercises will reveal if you mastered this tense or not. Good luck.


Grammar rocks

Present Simple and Continuous

Although these two tenses seem to be quite easy, they can sometimes cause difficulties as well. Check if you know them perfectly or if you still miss something.
