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It is a short activity which can serve as a warm-up, energiser, a short task for fast finishers or the basis for the whole lesson. It is suitable for both teens and adults on absolutely all levels.

Show your students a set of photos presenting different emotions. Identify and discuss them. Ask your students to choose one photo.

Now, the first task is to describe a situation in which their parent, partner, boss, a shop-assistant, hotel receptionist, friend, bus passenger, etc reacted in this way.

The second idea is to ask your students to make a dialogue with the prevailing emotion from one of the photos at the party, during a romantic walk, negotiating a contract with an important client, at the dentist, etc.

You can also ask your students to write a few sentences the people from the photos could be saying using a particular grammar structure you want to revise, or just change the sentences into Reported Speech.

Your students could also make sentences, dialogues, short stories based on the photos using a set of vocabulary you would like to revise.

You can also ask your students to choose two photos and tell a story which led from one kind of emotion to another one. Or even use all the emotions presented in the photos in one story.

Your students could also think of some pieces of advice they could give to the people from the photos to feel better or worse 😉

I am sure you will come up with a thousand more ideas how to use the photos showing different emotions. Let me know in the comments whether you like this kind of tasks.

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